Misc/Blogging Tips

[TIPS] How to add your Tistory Blog to Google Search Console

eomiso(Aesop) 2020. 10. 1. 23:48

As a user who wish this Tistroy Blog to be more Golbal Friendly, I would like to share a tip on how to register your tistory blog to Google Search Console.

There was an issue with verifying my tistory blog. It was because Tistory does not allow file upload to a specific location. As far as I know the only location where you can upload your files is the images/ directory


Now let's begin.


As a first step, you should choose a URL prefix property type to verifie your blog. Since Tistory is a blog supplied by kakao, you can't register it to your own Domain. If you want that you should go for blog platform such as Wordpress. The pros of using Tistory is that you can blog with unlimited pictures and videos without a hosting server. I guess most of us are ready to give up a customizable Domain for that.

First page when you get started with Google Search Console

So to verify your Tistory Blog choose URL prefix first.


Then, to verify your ownership, you should choose HTML tag method instead of the default HTML file method. The reason for this go around is what I mentioned above. You can't upload a file to a designated location in Tistory blog. So we will have to play with the HTML code.

So click HTML tag and copy the <meta> tag provided bellow.


Now it's time to open your blog's html code. Move to the option where you can change your blog SKIN.


Then click HTML edit (html 편집 in korean)



Then right bellow ther <head> tag, paste the copied <meta> tag from Google Search Console.


After that click "Verify" in HTML tag section of the Goolge Search Console page(The third picture in this post). Then tada! you can use Google Search Console to make your blog more searchable in Google.


Then you can enlist your sitemap for google to offer better search queries for Users in demand. Next post will be on how to enlist your sitemap to Google Search Console.


Au revoir!