Misc/Blogging Tips 3

[TIPS] How to use Katex in Tistory blogs(티스토리에서 Latex 사용하기)

I would like to share a super easy way to use math representations in Tistory blog. I used to blog in blogspot, and back then I had to add some javascript to under the tag, paste the script above, just like the picture bellow. Now Let's see the Examples $f(x) = 4$ $f(x) = 4 $ $$ \begin{aligned} (x+y)^2 \= x^2 + 2xy + y^2 \\ \= (x+y)(x+y) \end{aligned} $$ $$ \begin{aligned} (x+y)^2 &= x^2 + 2xy +..

Misc/Blogging Tips 2020.10.03

[Tips] implement `` inline code block to your blog - (티스토리 인라인 코드 블럭 사용하기)

Have a peek at the github flavored markdown examples (link) . So if you want to use inline block in your blog post, you need to convert a pair of ` (accent grave or backtip) to (explanatiions on the tag is here. the picture on the left is change to `inline code`. Now we need two things. First, a javascript to detect the `backtip` and convert to ` ` html tag pairs. Second, a css style for the inl..

Misc/Blogging Tips 2020.10.02